Real Estate, a Family Passion
Josan Properties was built on the value of honesty, determination, and grit! The company's founder, Bill Josan, worked tirelessly in the early 1980s to start a company that would eventually become a real estate powerhouse. Arriving in Canada as a teenager with nothing but a shirt on his back, he truly embodies the Canadian dream. Through his charm, knowledge, and determination, Bill was able to excel at residential home sales in the 80's, being awarded the prize of Edmonton's "Rookie of the Year" in 1985. Bill gradually went from real estate sales to real estate investing and progressed from homes to apartments and commercial centers. Bill's remarkable vision and unwavering passion for real estate have been the driving forces behind the ongoing success of the company, even after many decades. He now acts as an advisor to the business, which his son Raka now operates.
The original values of honesty, hard work, and perseverance remain the pillars of the company under Raka's leadership. The passion for Commercial real estate is a family trait that continues to drive the company. Personal and professional integrity remain core principles of the organization, backed by Bill's oft-repeated words, "There are too many honest ways to make money in real estate to consider any alternatives."